駐港部隊PLA Garrison in HKSAR
6?15徐州幼兒園爆炸事件Xuzhou Kindergarten Explosion
6?14倫敦公寓樓火災(zāi)事故6?14 London apartment building fire accident
深夜食堂Midnight Diner
文學(xué)之都City of Literature
自提柜self-pickup outlet service
夏季轉(zhuǎn)會窗口summer transfer window
留校察看under surveillance
免費WiFi覆蓋 free Wi-Fi coverage
全球新一輪科技革命和產(chǎn)業(yè)變革 the latest global scientific and technological and industrial revolutions
聯(lián)合國兒童基金會青年教育使者 special advocate for education by the United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
網(wǎng)絡(luò)安全事件應(yīng)急預(yù)案 emergency response plan for internet security incident
災(zāi)后重建post-disaster reconstruction
綠色金融改革創(chuàng)新試驗區(qū) pilot zones for green finance reform and innovations
巡天觀測sky survey
混合項目 mixed-gender events
智能軌道快運系統(tǒng) Autonomous rail Rapid Transit(ART)
香港特別行政區(qū)第五屆政府就職典禮the inauguration of the HKSAR's fifth-term government
慶祝香港回歸祖國20周年大會celebrations marking the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to China
香港特區(qū)基本法HKSAR Basic Law
聯(lián)合國兒童基金會大使UNICEF Ambassador
長臂管轄權(quán) Long Arm Jurisdiction
MSCI指數(shù)MSCI index
海上互利互通 marine interconnectivity
金磚+ BRICS plus
王儲crown prince
“世界經(jīng)濟論壇新領(lǐng)軍者年會”the World Economic Forum's Annual Meeting of the New Champions
全球創(chuàng)新指數(shù)Global Innovation Index(GII)
脫歐談判Brexit talks 中超聯(lián)賽 the Chinese Super League
硬X射線調(diào)制望遠鏡Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope
國家體育總局General Administration of Sport of China
《中國足球中長期規(guī)劃》(The Mid- and Long-Term Development Plan for Chinese Soccer)
巴拿馬共和國the Republic of Panama
廁所革命 toilet revolution
建立大使級外交關(guān)系to establish diplomatic relations at ambassadorial level
八卦賬號paparazzi account
爭奪市場份額 wrestle for market share
東盟秘書處the ASEAN Secretariat
藍色經(jīng)濟blue economy
指紋識別fingerprint verification
無人機Unmanned Aerial Vehicle,UAV
高考national college entrance examination
外匯市場 forex market
債券通 Bond Connect
太極拳 tai chi
約架 arranged private fights
永恒之藍 Eternal Blue
曼徹斯特體育場爆炸案 Manchester Arena bombing
九二共識 the 1992 Consensus
可燃冰 flammable ice
圓桌峰會 round-table summit
"前進"運動 Forward motion
"一帶一路"國際合作高峰論壇 Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation
埃馬紐埃爾?馬克龍 Emmanuel Macron
天舟一號 Tianzhou-1
庭前會議 pretrial conference
多證合一 integrating multiple certifications and licenses into one consolidated business license
東亞經(jīng)濟共同體 East Asian Economic Community
霸王條款 arbitrary/high-handed provision/clause
全額計息 calculating credit card interest based on the total bill of a month
醫(yī)事服務(wù)費 medical service fee
日本核輻射地區(qū) Japan's radiation-affected area
耐克虛假營銷 Misleading promotion by Nike
香港特別行政區(qū) Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR)
島嶼經(jīng)濟 island economy
民法總則 general provisions of civil law
河長制 river chief system
單一窗口 single-window system
三公經(jīng)費 the three public expenses
部長通道 ministers' passage
混合所有制改革 mixed-ownership reform
減稅降費 Cut taxes and administrative fees
終身責(zé)任制 lifelong accountability system
世界杯擴軍 World Cup expansion
入世議定書 Protocol on China's Accession to the WTO
健走 fast walking
網(wǎng)游宵禁 online game curfe
第三衛(wèi)生間 gender-neutral bathroom
綠水青山就是金山銀山 Lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets
《愛樂之城》 La La Land
VX神經(jīng)毒劑 VX Nerve Agent
金正男死亡案 Kim Jong-nam's death
禁穆令 Muslim ban
72小時過境免簽 72-hour visa-free transit
“十三五”脫貧攻堅規(guī)劃 poverty alleviation plan for the 13th Five-Year Plan period
懶政怠政 be lazy and neglectful of one's duties
僵尸企業(yè) zombie enterprises
炒房者 property speculator
戰(zhàn)略性新興產(chǎn)業(yè) strategic emerging industries
高校擴招 the expansion of college enrollment
共擔(dān)時代責(zé)任共促全球發(fā)展 Jointly Shoulder Responsibility of Our Times, Promote Global Growth
全球城市綜合競爭力排行榜 Global City Competitiveness List
瘦肉精 lean meat powder/clenbuterol
舌尖上的安全 safety of every bite of food
世界大同,天下一家 The world is a commonwealth
小康路上一個都不能掉隊 We will make sure that no one is left behind on our way to prosperity
天上不會掉餡餅 No fruit will be reaped without hard work
生前契約 pre-plan funeral arrangement contracts
北京醫(yī)改 medical reform
網(wǎng)絡(luò)空間國際合作戰(zhàn)略 The International Strategy of Cooperation on Cyberspace
炸彈之母 the mother of all bombs
雙中子星并合引力波:gravitational wave created by the collision of two neutron stars
地理國情普查 national geoinformation survey
蹲式窗口 squat-style counters
12315互聯(lián)網(wǎng)平臺 the National Internet Platform of Consumer Dispute Resolution
國家賠償 state compensation
網(wǎng)絡(luò)謠言 online rumor
迷你KTV mini karaoke booth
金融反腐 corruption fight in financial sector
意向成員 prospective member
公開市場操作 open market operation
國資監(jiān)管 State-owned capital supervision
黃金單身族 golden singles
掃碼打賞 tipping via QR code
類腦智能 brain-inspired intelligence
國家隊 the national team
中國籃協(xié)主席 chairman of the CBA
中國品牌日 Chinese Brands Day
校園足球 campus soccer
網(wǎng)絡(luò)百科全書 online encyclopaedia
付費訂閱 pay-to-read
逆周期因子 countercyclical factor
玻璃棧道 glass/see-through walkway
入學(xué)面談 admission interviews
即時退稅 real-time tax refund
返程高峰 return peak
臭氧污染 ozone pollution
活躍用戶 active user
短途近郊游 excursions to suburban areas
刷臉進站 "face swiping" check-in